11 Tips for Mental and Home Clarity

If you’re feeling bogged down by the daily grind, then you might want to reset your mind with a bit of journaling and cleaning. That’s right, combining these two simple activities can really help clear the cobwebs and give your mood a boost. Let’s look at 11 ways to do exactly that.

Laundry Day Reflections

While doing laundry might seem boring, it’s actually a great time to think. As you fold, use your journal to think about a specific idea or question, which will transform this mundane task into an opportunity to examine your innermost thoughts. It’ll also break up the monotony of laundry day by keeping your mind engaged as your hands work.

Mindful Cleaning, Mindful Writing

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You should try being super present while you clean or wash dishes by focusing on the feel of the soap and the warmth of the water. Then, write about the experience. Being mindful in this way can reduce your stress levels and give you a fresh perspective, meaning that both your house and mind get cleaned up.

Digital Decluttering

Don’t forget to organize your digital clutter, too, and write about the memories each photo brings up. Doing so will clear out space on your devices and in your mind because it’ll allow you to revisit your old goals. This gives you an idea of how much you’ve grown on a personal level, and deleting unnecessary files also mirrors the process of letting go of past versions of yourself.

Garden Thoughts

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If you have a garden, use your gardening time to think about life and really connect with the earth. Afterward, write down your thoughts about nature, growth, and what your gardening time means to you. Just the simple act of observing plants grow can give you some valuable lessons on patience and time, which you can write about in your journal.

Style Evolution Cleanup

Whenever you’re clearing out your closet, take some time to write about how your style has changed over the years and what your clothes say about you. This way, you can make sense of your personal evolution and transform your wardrobe into a true reflection of who you are now. You’ll start to realize how you’ve matured or shifted in your tastes and preferences.

Literary Dusting

As you’re dusting off your bookshelf, think about the books that have touched you and jot down why they’re so meaningful. Reflect on how they’ve influenced your life, as this activity will clean both your shelf and your soul. It’ll also give you a chance to reconnect with parts of yourself you may have forgotten because each book likely holds a story or a memory that’s affected you.

Pantry Reflections

When you’re organizing your pantry, think carefully about your eating habits and write about how you can eat healthier. Seeing everything neatly lined up can inspire better food choices and clearer thinking about your diet. This could be the perfect opportunity to plan your meals for the week.

Clean Your Ride, Clear Your Mind

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Nobody likes cleaning out their car, but you can make it more interesting by noting in your journal how your daily drives affect you. You may even want to write about ways to make your commute more productive. After all, a clean car and a clear plan can turn your daily drive into something you enjoy.

Fitness Focus Cleaning

Beyond just tidying up, sorting through your exercise gear is the perfect time for you to take stock of your fitness progress and plan ahead. As you organize, take a moment to celebrate your past workout wins and write them down. What new fitness goals are you aiming for? If you do this well, you’ll be ready to start your next workout session with plenty of enthusiasm.

Spice Up Your Life

Even something as simple as cleaning up your spice rack can be more than just an organizational task. Think about the dishes you’ve always wanted to cook, then jot down these ideas and use your spice collection as motivation to explore new tastes. This could be just what you need to try your hand at making an Indian curry or a Moroccan tagine.

Creative Reorganization

Reorganizing your craft supplies may be the creative spark you need, especially if you write down the projects you’ve been putting off or new ones you’re excited to start. Then, think carefully about how your newly organized space can help bring these projects to life. Instead of just keeping things neat, this space could actually inspire and fuel your creativity.

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