How Tidying and Writing Improve Mental Health

Have you ever thought about how a clean room can make your whole day better? Or how writing down your thoughts can lift a weight off your shoulders? Keeping a tidy space and writing regularly can do wonders for your peace of mind because it gives you a chance to sort through your emotions. Let’s look at how you can do just that.

A Simple Tool for a Clearer Mind

Writing down lists can help you sort through the clutter in your brain, whether that’s a to-do list or a list of worries. Simply seeing these things on paper makes them far easier to manage. This makes for a straightforward way to make sure you don’t forget anything important or let your anxieties run wild.

Set Up a Special Spot for Writing

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You should try to create a cozy and clutter-free place for writing because this can really improve your focus and enjoyment. Essentially, you’re making a little sanctuary where you can retreat and reflect without distractions. It should be a special spot for you that’ll mean you can open up and let the words flow.

Less Is More for Clarity

Minimalism is more than simply a trend, as adopting it in your living space and in your writing can be pretty beneficial. With fewer things around, your thoughts and communication will be clearer. Stripping down to what’s really necessary will help you find beauty and clarity in every part of your life.

The Power of Color

Color coding your journal entries or notes can help you organize them in a way that makes revisiting and memorizing your thoughts pretty easy. Plus, it’s fun. Using different colors for different themes or emotions will help you quickly spot patterns over time, which can be useful when you’re doing some self-reflection. 

The Two-Minute Rule for Writing

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If something’s on your mind and it takes less than two minutes to jot down, then there’s no reason to avoid doing it right then. Following the two-minute rule will help you keep your journal updated without feeling like it’s a huge time commitment. At the end of the day, you’re recording those thoughts before they float away.

Start a Writing Chain

Challenge yourself to write a little every day with the aim of never breaking the chain. Even if it’s just a few lines, the point is to keep the momentum going, especially since watching the chain grow longer each day can be really motivating. This can help you turn journaling into a solid habit.

Match Tidying Areas with Journal Topics

Divide your space and your journal into zones or themes. As you clean a particular area in your home, dedicate a page in your journal to write about thoughts or memories that you feel in this space. For example, tidying your desk could inspire you to write about your career goals or past job experiences.

Write About Your Cleaning Progress

You should also keep a journal entry that describes your cleaning progress. This entry should include information about how dealing with physical clutter helps you manage emotional or mental clutter. Writing down these achievements can give you a sense of accomplishment and encourage you to maintain a clean environment and mind.

Tidy for Ten, Write for Five

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Set a simple routine where for every ten minutes you spend tidying up around the house, you spend five minutes writing in your journal. By mixing physical and mental decluttering, you’ll be able to keep both your home and your mind tidy. It’ll also make each of these tasks more doable and less daunting, which is always great.

Share Your Cleaning and Journaling Wins

Once you’ve made some progress in decluttering your space and journaling, why not share your experience? You could write a post or a little story about your journey and share it on social media or with friends. When you do this, you can celebrate your success and perhaps even inspire others to try it out.

Set Goals in Clean Spaces

After decluttering a work area, take a moment to sit down and journal your goals in that newly tidied space. After all, just writing in a clean and organized setting can help clarify your thoughts and make your goals feel more achievable. Writing down these goals in such a setting will motivate you to achieve them.

Reflective Cleaning

Use the time when you’re cleaning to reflect and then journal about the changes you’d like to make in your life. Think of this as being similar to the changes you’re making in your environment. Physically cleaning your house can free your mind to deal with more abstract ideas, and writing these reflections down will give you a record of your thoughts.

Clean to a Theme, Write to a Theme

Editorial credit: – Yuri A/ Shutterstock.

Try choosing a theme for each cleaning session, like “mindfulness” or “gratitude,” and include this theme in your journaling. Then, while you’re cleaning, think about what you’re thankful for, and write about these thoughts once you’re finished. If you take a themed approach, you’ll be more engaged and focused on the task at hand.

Journal About Space Transformations

Use your journal to write about how you’re turning a cluttered space into a clean and orderly one. In your writing, describe how the physical changes might reflect or inspire changes in your personal life. When you write about these transformations, you’ll feel a real sense of progress in your life.

Plan Cleaning in Your Journal

Your journal can also be a good way to plan and track your cleaning activities. Writing down a cleaning schedule or checklist can make the cleaning process feel more manageable and structured. Later, you should reflect on this planning process and whether it was effective in improving your productivity and mood.

Make a Memory Box

Editorial credit: – Yuri A/ Shutterstock.

While decluttering, set aside a box for keepsakes and other little things that mean a lot but you don’t necessarily need out all the time. Every now and then, pull out the box and reminisce about them in your writing. This way, you’ll be able to keep memories alive without letting them clutter your space.

Creative Writing Inspired by Organized Spaces

Once you’ve cleaned and organized your space, use your new environment as inspiration for a creative writing session. For example, you could write a short story or even a song about the calmness that cleanliness can bring. It makes the space truly yours, which helps you feel more connected to what you’ve created.

Visualize While You Organize

While you sort through physical clutter, think about the mental clutter you’d like to clear out, and then write about this in your journal. After all, there are lots of similarities between organizing your space and organizing your thoughts. Writing will make the cleaning process more mindful and also improve your understanding of how uncluttering affects your mental well-being.

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